About me

I’m currently a guest researcher at the University of Groningen specializing in applied cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies. My work focuses on zero-knowledge proofs and their applications. I have also worked on related topics such as multi-party computation (MPC) and homomorphic encryption (HE).

I’m also an experienced software developer with a strong background in implementing cryptographic protocols in Rust. Most notably, I have implemented collaborative CP-NIZK using Arkworks and various other protocols as described in my publications.

Next to research, I’m passionate about writing educational content and have experience in teaching and supervising students. I worked in teaching and supervising Computer Science students at the University of Groningen. The teaching materials and student project outcomes can be found under the teaching tab.

I did my PhD with the Information Systems Group at the University of Groningen, advised by Prof. Dr. Dimka Karastoyanova and Dr. Fatih Turkmen

I earned a MSc. degree in Computer Science (Information Security and Privacy) from RMIT University in Melbourne Australia. Prior to that, I got my BSc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand.